Analisa Perbandingan Complate Linkage AHC dan K-Medoids Dalam Pengelompokkan Data Kemiskinan di Indonesia
The poverty rate in Indonesia has increased from 9.54 percent in March 2022 to 9.57 percent in September 2022 due to inflation and low wages and people's incomes. To overcome this problem, steps such as providing social assistance, creating decent jobs, and increasing wage standards are needed to increase people's purchasing power and reduce poverty in the future. The government needs to pay special attention to provinces with high poverty rates through special programs and efforts to increase income and the economy in these areas. Data Mining is a solution in solving this problem by utilizing the clustering method which is known as the clustering method. The clustering method used in this study is the AHC method and the K-Medoids method. In order to determine the provinces with the highest number of poor people, the AHC and K-Medoids clustering methods will be applied separately so that the final results of each will be analyzed. The results of the analysis show the formation of three clusters with different cluster locations. The application of the AHC method resulted in cluster 2 with the largest number of provinces, namely 22 provinces, followed by cluster 0 with 9 provinces, and cluster 1 with only 3 provinces. While the application of the K-Medoids method resulted in cluster 1 with the largest number of provinces, namely 22 provinces, followed by cluster 0 with 9 provinces, and cluster 2 with only 3 provinces. Although the location of the clusters is different between the two methods, the number of provinces in the cluster is the same so that a cluster with a total of 3 provinces is declared the province with the largest number of poor people.
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Pages: 509−522
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