Analisis Sentimen Konsumen terhadap Food, Services, and Value di Restoran dan Rumah Makan Populer Kota Makassar Berdasarkan Rekomendasi Tripadvisor Menggunakan Metode CRISP-DM dan SERVQUAL
Culinary is one of the economic activities that support national economic growth and represents the gastronomy of the archipelago in Indonesia. Culinary tourism activities have become famous for domestic and foreign tourists to experience the taste of a food based on the culture of each region. Makassar is one of the regions with diverse types of food and beverages and has a relationship with local socio-cultural values. Considering this, this study aims to analyze consumer sentiment toward food and services in ten restaurants in Makassar based on the recommendations of the Tripadvisor website using the Cross-Industry Standard Process for Data Mining (CRISPD-DM) and Service Quality (SERVQUAL) methods. The stages of CRISP-DM are as follows: the stage of understanding business processes; the stage of understanding data; the stage of preparing data; the modeling stage; the evaluation stage; and the deployment stage. The algorithms used as models are k-Nearest Neighbor (kNN), Naïve Bayes Classifier (NBC), Decision Tree (DT), and Support Vector Machine (SVM). The results of this study show that the DT algorithm when using the SMOTE operator where the resulting accuracy value is 93.25%, precision is 88.74%, recall is 99.10%, and f-measure is 93.62%. In addition, the k-NN algorithm without using the SMOTE operator showed an accuracy value of 98.72%, a precision of 98.72%, a recall of 100%, and an f-measure of 99.36%. However, the resulting AUC value is 0.905 (90.5%). Meanwhile, when using the SMOTE operator, the SVM algorithm produces an accuracy value of 99.42%, a precision of 100%, a recall of 98.84%, and an f-measure of 99.42%. Meanwhile, the resulting AUC value is 1,000 (100%). Based on the ROC value, three algorithms can be used as models in the CRISPP-DM and SERVQUAL frameworks: the k-NN algorithm without SMOTE and the DT and SVM algorithms using the SMOTE operator
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Pages: 1899−1914
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