Penerapan Naive Bayesian Classifier Dalam Penyeleksian Beasiswa PPA

  • Cici Alfiani Pradika Dita * Mail Universitas Budi Darma, Medan, Indonesia
  • Putri Chairunisyah Universitas Budi Darma, Medan, Indonesia
  • Mesran Mesran Universitas Budi Darma, Medan, Indonesia
  • (*) Corresponding Author
Keywords: Scholarship Selection; Naive Bayesian Classifier


In this study, the author uses the Naïve Bayes Classifier method to classify scholarship recipients at Budi Darma University. The use of the Naïve Bayes Classifier method was chosen to make decisions in order to determine whether students enrolled in the scholarship program were accepted or rejected. The classifier method is to classify text based on the highest probability that it is defined as a new document category. From the results of this research, the results show that the value of "Receiving" is higher than "No", which is 0.0351 compared to 0, so it can be concluded that the student on behalf of Riska Ramadhani received the PPA 2019 scholarship.


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Article History
Submitted: 2021-02-05
Published: 2021-02-27
Abstract View: 607 times
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