Sistem Rekomendasi Pemberian Kredit : Solusi SMART (Simple Multiple Attribute Rating Technique) untuk Perusahaan Multifinance

  • Rachman Arief * Mail Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Paniel Yose Yanwin Marbun Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia
  • (*) Corresponding Author
Keywords: DSS; SMART; Credit; Financing; Multifinance


Providing credit is one of the services provided by the WOM Finance company for financing motorbike units. When applying for credit, selection must be carried out to select good prospective customers so that there is no risk of congestion in the payment process later. In the selection process, the company takes up to three days to approve credit funds. The selection process carried out by the company currently still uses manual methods with Ms.Excel to compare data where the data will be analyzed and considered by the marketing team manually. There are several stages when applying for credit, customers who apply for credit funds will not be immediately accepted and disbursed, because each prospective customer must meet several criteria so that their application for credit funds can be approved. In this case, the author concludes that he will create a decision support system using the website-based Simple Multiple Attribute Rating Technique (SMART) method as a solution to speed up the process of providing credit funds, as well as making it easier for marketing parties in the selection process. This multi-attribute technique is used to support decision makers in choosing between several alternatives that have been ranked. Of the 5 alternative data used in the calculation, rank 1 with alternative code A3 produces a final score of 30.67 and is worthy of being recommended for credit. Based on tests carried out 20 times by comparing the results of the sales marketing survey recommendations with the results of the system recommendations, the results were obtained 20 times in accordance with an accuracy level of 100%. So it can be concluded that this system can run well in carrying out the process of ranking or selecting prospective motorbike cash credit customers.


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Submitted: 2024-09-09
Published: 2024-11-30
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