Implementasi Sistem Identifikasi Senjata Real Time Menggunakan YOLOv7 dan Notifikasi Chat Telegram

  • Muhammad Rizqi Sholahuddin Politeknik Negeri Bandung, Bandung Barat, Indonesia
  • Firas Atqiya * Mail Universitas Muhammadiyah Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia
  • Sri Ratna Wulan Politeknik Negeri Bandung, Bandung Barat, Indonesia
  • Maisevli Harika Politeknik Negeri Bandung, Bandung Barat, Indonesia
  • Sofy Fitriani Politeknik Negeri Bandung, Bandung Barat, Indonesia
  • Yusuf Sofyan Politeknik Negeri Bandung, Bandung Barat, Indonesia
  • (*) Corresponding Author
Keywords: YOLOv7; Telegram; CCTV; Flask; Chatbot


This research produces an application that can send automatic notifications in the form of a chat on the Telegram platform when a weapon object is detected on CCTV. This application was created utilizing computer vision technology and artificial intelligence, in particular YOLOv7. As demonstrated by the mAP@0.5 value of 0.837 after 50 epochs of training, this application can detect weapon objects such as people, pistols, and knives with a reasonable degree of accuracy. This application is also linked to the telepot library, which enables it to send chats on the Telegram platform. These applications can aid in enhancing security and safety in a variety of environments and have numerous practical applications in fields such as public safety, law enforcement, and others. However, there are still deficiencies in this study that can be addressed in future research, such as the small number of training epochs and the size of the dataset.


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Article History
Submitted: 2022-12-28
Published: 2023-01-29
Abstract View: 639 times
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How to Cite
Sholahuddin, M., Atqiya, F., Wulan, S., Harika, M., Fitriani, S., & Sofyan, Y. (2023). Implementasi Sistem Identifikasi Senjata Real Time Menggunakan YOLOv7 dan Notifikasi Chat Telegram. Journal of Information System Research (JOSH), 4(2), 598-606.