1. Portal Garuda
2. Google Scholar
3. PKP Index
5. Scilit
6. Dimension
7. Indonesia One Search
8. Crossref
9. WorldCat.org
10. BASE
11. Science and Technology Index - SINTA 4
1. Portal Garuda
2. Google Scholar
3. PKP Index
5. Scilit
6. Dimension
7. Indonesia One Search
8. Crossref
9. WorldCat.org
10. BASE
11. Science and Technology Index - SINTA 4
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Health Research
Published by Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT)
Secretariat: Street of Sakti Lubis, Siti Rejo I, Medan (20219), North Sumatera, Indonesia
Email: jurnal.pharma@gmail.com
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