Sistem Pakar Mendiagnosa Penyakit Kolera Menerapkan Metode Hybrid Case Based
As technology develops, a system that is capable of adopting human processes and ways of thinking is developed, an expert system that contains certain knowledge so that everyone can use it to solve specific problems, namely the problem of diagnosing cholera. Cholera is an acute diarrheal disease which in a few hours can cause rapid and severe progressive dehydration and can cause death caused by the bacterium Vibrio Cholerae. The purpose of this research is to build an expert system to diagnose cholera in order to be able to do prevention and treatment early. The expert system to diagnose cholera using a hybrid case based method aims to trace the symptoms displayed in the form of questions in order to diagnose the type of illness. This expert system is able to recognize the type of cholera after consultation by answering several questions raised by the application of the expert system and can conclude several types of diseases suffered by the patient. The recognized disease data adjusts the rules that are made to match the symptoms of cholera. The design of this application is made with the PHP programming language and MySQL database. Through this application, every person especially those who live in remote areas with limited number of doctors at the public health center are expected to be able to diagnose cholera, so that it is likely to be prevented and treated quickly.
Keywords: Cholera, Expert System, Hybrid Case Based, PHP, MySQL
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