Studi Kualitatif Aktivitas Amilolitik Bakteri Asam Laktat Yang Diisolasi Dari Pangan Tradisional Aceh Pliek U
Amylase is one of the most essential enzymes that have potentially widely used in various industrial fields such as food, fermentation, and pharmacy. Amylase can be obtained from diversified organisms such as plants, animals and microbes. However, the main sources of these enzymes are bacteria and fungi that have dominated utilization in industrial sectors. This study was aimed to obtain the potential for amylolytic lactic acid bacteria (LAB) isolated from pliek u Acehnese traditional food. Amylolytic LABs were isolated with starch plate method and tested with Lugol's iodine reagent to measured the amylolytic index. The isolation results showed that 5 amylolytic potential LAB isolates were found with cells morphological characters were bacilli, Gram positive and motile. Amylolytic index of five isolates were varied, the highest index was found in UKA5 isolate which was 11 mm while the lowest was found in UKA2 isolate which was 7 mm.
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