Studi Pemanfaatan Tumbuhan Berkhasiat Obat di Kecamatan Lhoksukon Kabupaten Aceh Utara
This research is an ethnopharmacological study on the use of medicinal plants by the people of Lhoksukon Subdistrict, North Aceh Regency, which aims to find out the extent of community knowledge in Lhoksukon District, North Aceh Regency, in the utilization of medicinal plants, what medicinal species are medicinal in Lhoksukon District North Aceh Regency, how processing of medicinal plants, and which part of the plant is often used in making drugs. This research is descriptive, with the population of the entire community of Lhoksukon Subdistrict and the sample in this study is 30 people. The sampling technique was purposive sampling, data collection was done by interviewing and distributing questionnaires. The results showed that there were 71 species of plants that were used as treatment grouped into 43 families. The parts of the plant that are used are 9 parts of plants that are used as ingredients of traditional medicine, namely leaves, fruit, flowers, tubers, rhizomes, roots, seeds, sap and all plants. The highest percentage of parts used are leaves as much as 12% and the least are roots, seeds, sap and whole plants as much as (0.6%). The method of processing as medicine is by boiling 25.56%, ground (11.36%), eaten directly (7.1%), blended (3.55%), brewed (2.84), grated (2.3%), ditetesi (2.3%), and ditayukan (0.71%).
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