Perancangan Aplikasi Pengenalan Objek 3D Komponen Komputer Menggunakan Augmented Reality Berbasis Android

  • Rasidin Rasidin * Mail Budi Darma, Indonesia
  • (*) Corresponding Author
Keywords: Three Dimensional Object; Augmented Reality; Android


Weak knowledge of computer scholars about the components of the preparation of computers often become a joke in the world of work. There are not many programmers and designers who do not know computer components, even though their interactions at the computer are above the average normal use. Augmented reality is a way to combine virtual worlds (virtual environment) into the real world (reality environment) by utilizing the camera in real time. This technique can help display the shape of objects in three-dimensional computer components into the real world. Text Recognition is a detection of writing into a computer system. The application of text recognition to the Augmented Reality technique can detect text as well as project objects of 3 dimensional components of computer components. This certainly makes it easier for users to find out computer components just by using text.


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